Measuring the Capacity for Adaptation to Climate Change in Central Asia
Rahat Sabyrbekov a, b*, Indra Overland c
a OSCE Academy, 1A Botanichesky pereulok, Bishkek, 720044, Kyrgyzstan
b Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies, Harvard University, 1730 Cambridge Street, MA 02138, Cambridge
c Norwegian Institute of International Affairs, PB 7024 St. Olavs Plass, OSLO, 0130, Norway
Indra Overland:
June 29, 2023

Climate change poses a formidable threat to the Central Asian region, exacerbating preexisting vulnerabilities and necessitating enhanced adaptation efforts. The economic and environmental costs of these changing climatic conditions are substantial, compelling governments to bolster their adaptive capacity. In this study, we employ the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) adaptation framework and high-quality data to quantitatively measure the capacities of the Central Asian countries to adapt to the impacts of climate change. Our primary objective is to compare the adaptation progress in the Central Asian countries with that of countries outside the region. The results of our analysis indicate that, despite announced adaptation strategies, Central Asia lags behind in this critical area. Several factors contribute to the low scores for adaptation in the region, including heavy reliance on fossil fuels, resource-intensive economies, and limited innovation capacity. This deficiency in adaptive readiness leaves the Central Asian countries ill-prepared for the impending consequences of climate change. Urgent action is imperative for policymakers to address this disparity, formulate effective adaptation strategies, and safeguard the region’s future resilience.
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For citation: Sabyrbekov, R., Overland, I., (2023). Measuring the Capacity for Adaptation to Climate Change in Central Asia. Central Asian Journal of Sustainability and Climate Research.
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