Enhancing energy efficiency of residential apartment buildings against current thermal energy prices in Kazakhstan
Belyy A. a,b
a Kazakh-German University, 111, Pushkin str., Almaty, 050010, Kazakhstan
b Toraigyrov University, st. Lomova, 64, Pavlodar, 140008, Kazakhstan
Email: alex@avantgarde-group.eu
December 7, 2024

Energy efficiency represents a key factor in building design and operation. In the Republic of Kazakhstan (RK), where buildings occupy the first place (43%) in terms of energy consumption, the residential sector plays an important role, especially considering its cold climate with long winters. Heating and lighting systems are the main elements of energy consumption in residential buildings. The statistical analysis within the framework of the study allowed revealing the drivers of high specific thermal energy consumption, including low tariffs and lack of investment in building thermal upgrading. The article presents the analytical findings on the energy consumption in Kazakhstan’s housing sector, as well as describes the main reasons for high energy consumption for housing heating, inter alia low investment on behalf of property owners in the context of low energy prices. The materials collected by the author as a result of direct participation in the preparation and execution of several pilot projects demonstrate the potential contribution of technical measures to the overall energy consumption reduction in various climatic conditions across the country; made it possible to calculate the profitability of a set of energy-efficiency measures for a standard apartment building, as well as formulate recommendations for improving energy efficiency in the residential sector. Curtailing energy consumption in the sector will contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, which is especially important for achieving the goals of national climate policy, including the Concept for the Transition of the RK to a “Green Economy”, Kazakhstan’s Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) and Strategy of the RK for Achieving Carbon Neutrality by 2060. The study outputs are based on the data as of late 2021 and show the potential of new technologies and targeted energy strategies to mitigate climate change impacts.
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For citation: Belyy, A.. (2024). Problemy povyshenija jenergojeffektivnosti zhilyh mnogokvartirnyh zdanij v uslovijah tekushhih cen na teplovuju jenergiju v Kazahstane [Enhancing energy efficiency of residential apartment buildings against current thermal energy prices in Kazakhstan]. Central Asian Journal of Sustainability and Climate Research. https://doi.org/10.29258/CAJSCR/2024-R1.v3-2/24-44.rus (in Russian)
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demonstration projects, energy consumption, energy efficiency, heating energy, Kazakhstan, monitoring effects, residential multi-apartment buildings