Communicating climate change to transform coping practices of farming audiences to sustainable adaptive capacity in Chad
University of Dschang, B.P. 96, Dschang, Cameroun Colline de Foto, Cameroon
December 27, 2024

As any other Sub-Saharan country, Chad is highly vulnerable to climate variability and change. This research aimed to examine climate change communication pathways and the extent to which they have transformed and strengthened adaptive capacities of farmers based on the case of Mont Illi in Chad. Using a mixed methods approach, the data were collected from secondary and primary sources, accompanied by field missions. Qualitative and quantitative data analysis has revealed that climate change communication is key in the National Adaptation Plan, and institutions such as ANADER play a pivotal role in information dissemination. However, targeted communications are yet to transform coping practices of farmers, as 53% of them lack access to information; the other 47% receive it through radio (24%), from peer farmers (25%), agricultural federations (16%), technical agents (14%), television (7%), and the Internet (4%). Unlike in other areas where the media are crucial in information dissemination, farmers in Mont Illi have better access to information from other farmers, farming federations and traditional authorities. Cost effective and contextualized information has improved existing practices as well as facilitated rehabilitation of traditional knowledge systems for sustainable adaptation. Yet, in order to reinforce local adaptive capacities and transform farming practices through climate communications, actions should focus on strengthening institutions, agro-climatic extension and synergizing science with local knowledge in adaptation policy.
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For citation: Kongnso M. (2024). Communicating climate change to transform coping practices of farming audiences to sustainable adaptive capacity in Chad. Central Asian Journal of Sustainability and Climate Research, 3(2), 63–88.
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adaptive capacity, Chaddevelopment, climate change, communication, farming audiences