Determinants of household energy use in the Fergana Valley

Hans Holzhacker a*, Botagoz Rakisheva b

a CAREC Institute, Commercial Building Block 8, Vanke Metropolitan, No.66 Longteng Road,
Shuimogou District, Urumqi, Xinjiang, PRC

b Public Opinion Research Institute (PORI), A.Bekturov street 3/1, office 83, Astana, 010000,


Botagoz Rakisheva:

April 3, 2024

Type of paper: Research paper


In July-August, 2023, CAREC Institute, Public Opinion Research Institute, and Asian Development Bank Institute conducted a sociological survey on household energy use in the Fergana Valley spanning over the Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan. The following article uses the data from that survey for investigating what determines the choice of different energy types for heating. The article concludes that high household expenditures for coal and high awareness of the harm fossil fuels can inflict on the environment and family health are insufficient to trigger a large-scale shift towards cleaner energy. To motivate households for such a shift a substantial increase in fossil fuel prices compared to electricity and other clean energy is required. This might call for a sales tax on coal. However, energy expenditure already accounts for up to one-third of household income. Lowand middle-income households would need to be compensated for increased energy spending to avoid social hardship and a backlash against such a tax.

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For citation: Holzhacker H., Rakisheva, B. (2024). Determinants of household energy use in the Fergana Valley. Central Asian Journal of Sustainability and Climate Research.


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clean energy, clean energy, determinants of households’ fuel choice, determinants of households’ fuel choice, Fergana Valley, Fergana Valley

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