Carbon sequestration assessment in Kazakhstan’s forests: analytical review

Borissova Yu. S.

Kazakh-German University, 111, Pushkin str., Almaty, 050010, Kazakhstan


November 3, 2023


Emissions of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, which are predominantly carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide are led to the process of climate change that takes place on a global scale. This analytical review presents current knowledge and evaluates existing studies on carbon sequestration by forests in the world and in Kazakhstan. Forests play a key role in climate change, absorbing large amounts of carbon dioxide emissions from the atmosphere. They are the most important terrestrial carbon sink. Two key indicators can predict the level of carbon sequestration in forest ecosystems: biomass and productivity. Methods of assessing the sequestration of carbon dioxide by forests include the use of different models, such as inVEST, CO2FIX, and CBM-CFS3, among others. Forests have a three-fold role in climate change. They have been found to accumulate, absorb and allocate carbon dioxide gas. Because carbon sequestration of forest ecosystems in Kazakhstan has been poorly studied, there is a need for further research in this area. The development of afforestation and commercial forestry are the main recommendations for increasing the potential of carbon sequestration by forests. The development of these areas will promote an increase in efficiency and sustainable development of forest resources in the context of climate change adaptation.

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For citation: Borissova, Yu. (2023). Carbon sequestration assessment in Kazakhstan’s forests: analytical review. Central Asian Journal of Sustainability and Climate Research.


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carbon sequestration, climate change, forests

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