Socio-ecological, legal and economic aspects of studying heavy metal content in consumer products in urban development context: case study of Tajikistan
Ulugov U., Sultanova T., Sharipov B., Azizov F.
Russian-Tajik (Slavonic) University. 734025, Republic of Tajikistan, Dushanbe, st. M. Tursunzade, 30.
October 27, 2022

In 2021-2022, with the support of the Pure Land public international organization the Peshsaf Public Association launched the project to investigate the content of toxic metals in consumer goods in Tajikistan’s large cities, mainly focusing on lead. Lead and its compounds are widely used for manufacturing foods, paints and varnishes, as well as toys. This threatens the life and health of large cities – the main users of such consumer goods. The study covered the markets of Tajikistan and entailed purchasing sample products and testing them for lead content in local laboratory conditions. The article presents the research results, as well as corresponding conclusions and recommendations, including the outcomes of legal, economic and methodological content analysis.methodological content analysis.
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To cite the paper: Ulugov U., Sultanova T., Sharipov B., Azizov F. (2022). Social’no-ekologicheskie, pravovye i ekonomicheskie aspekty izucheniya soderzhaniya tyazhelyh metallov v produktah potrebleniya v Respublike Tadzhikistan v kontekste razvitiya krupnyh gorodov strany [Socio-ecological, legal and economic aspects of studying heavymetal content in consumer products in urban development context: case study of Tajikistan]. Central Asian Journal of Sustainability and Climate Research. [In Russian]
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ceramics, ceramics, consumer product safety, consumer product safety, consumer products, consumer products, cosmetics, cosmetics, heavy metals, heavy metals, lead, lead, paint, paint, spices, spices, toys, toys