Climate change, co2 emission, and economic development: evidence from Kazakhstan
Arsen Tleppayev a*, Saule Zeinolla b
a Kazakh-German University, 111 Pushkin St., Almaty, 050010, Kazakhstan
b Narxoz University, 55 Zhandosov St. Almaty, 050035, Kazakhstan
Saule Zeinolla:
June 25, 2023

This study aims to identify the relationship between CO2 emissions and economic growth to assess the influence on climate change.
Design: The algorithm was chosen for research provision: statistical and comparative analysis, correlation, and regression analysis. The data for 1999-2020 was obtained from the World Bank and the Bureau of National Statistics.
Results: After looking at the conditions and factors that affect Kazakhstan’s energy system, we believe it is essential to study how different factors affect economic growth, with a focus on environmental change. The results of modeling with regression models back this up. The model demonstrated that energy consumption has the most significant influence on CO2 emissions; however, in the GDP model, all factors, such as urbanization, energy consumption, and energy pricing, had an equal impact.
Research limitations: Although testing suggests the significance of the acquired results, it is envisioned that the research will be expanded to include other factors, particularly those connected to technological progress and country analysis.
Conclusions: After looking at the conditions and factors that affect Kazakhstan’s energy system, we believe it is essential to study how different country-by-country factors affect economic growth, with a focus on environmental change. The study’s findings may be utilized to gain a more profound knowledge of the situation and to produce actionable suggestions for formulating public policy.
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For citation: Tleppayev, A., Zeinolla, S. (2023). Climate change, co2 emission, and economic development: evidence from Kazakhstan. Central Asian Journal of Sustainability and Climate Research.
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climate change, climate change, CO2 emission, CO2 emission, CO2 emission, CO2 emission, economic growth, economic growth, economic growth, economic growth, energy consumption, energy consumption, energy consumption, energy consumption, Kazakhstan, Kazakhstan, Kazakhstan, Kazakhstan