SDG9 Implementation Progress: Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan Case Study
A. Eralieva
The Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Kyrgyz Republic named after Zh.
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October 15, 2022

The UN 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) include an extensive range of targets. This research aimed to analyze the current state of SDG9 in the countries under consideration, identify unresolved issues, and propose priority development avenues. The study was performed using analytical and synthetic, as well as statistical research methods combined with systemic and integrated approaches. The work’s scientific novelty stems from carrying out the content analysis and assessment of sector-specific changes in Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan. The research has demonstrated that although taking certain steps to facilitate a technological breakthrough, these countries still face a number of outstanding problems. Effective management and optimal resource use, innovation and digital technologies will help both countries achieve SDG9.
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For citation: Eralieva, A.A. (2022). Sovremennoe sostoyanie realizacii Celi ustojchivogo razvitiya 9 na primere Kyrgyzskoj Respubliki i Respubliki Kazahstan [SDG9 Implementation Progress: Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan Case Study]. Central Asian Journal of Sustainability and Climate Research. 10.29258/CAJSCR/2022/1-16.rus [In Russian]
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digital technology, ecoinnovation, knowledgebased industries., qualified personnel, the Eurasian Economic Union